Make sure you have made your address changes with all the establishments you deal with. To avoid forgetting, make a list several weeks in advance.
Provide us with the names of the cross streets of the homes concerned, as well as any other useful information concerning their access (2nd floor, backyard, elevator, etc.).
Put your books in small boxes of about two cubic feet; this will make them easier to transport and ensure that they are not damaged.
Fill your boxes as much as possible; this will make them more rigid and therefore less fragile.
Clearly mark your boxes with their contents, the room where they are to be placed and the word “fragile” when necessary.
Do not leave any items other than clothing in your furniture drawers.
Disconnect your appliances from electricity, water and gas supplies.
On moving day, make sure you are easily reachable; have a cell phone on hand or ask a neighbor to act as a go-between.